WATCH: Doublelift Teaches Aphromoo How To Trash Talk Like A True Champion

As Yiliang “Doublelift” Peng stood basking in the applause of the Toronto crowd – just moments after emphatically securing the NA LCS Summer Championship with Team SoloMid – Counter Logic Gaming fans braced themselves for impact. Zaqueri “Aphromoo” Black was going to be made to pay for the slanderous remarks he had made just a little over four months ago…

Doublelift’s relationship with his former team, Counter Logic Gaming, is complicated to say the least. After departing from the CLG squad at the turn of the year to join CLG’s bitter rivals Team SoloMid, it was expected that Doublelift would be playing with a chip on his shoulder – lest we forget the unceremonious fashion with which Peng announced his decision to join TSM:

For the spring split at least, Doublelift’s move to TSM looked to be a case of ‘the grass is always greener’, dramatically falling to a resurgent CLG in the Spring Split final. The rumours of bad blood between the former bottom-lane pairing of Doublelift and Aphromoo had been circling throughout the split, but it wasn’t until CLG’s post-final victory interview that Aphromoo appeared to callously rub salt in Doublelift’s freshly reopened wounds:

The interview made for painful viewing for both TSM and CLG fans – the reaction of CLG jungler Jake “Xmithie” Puchero said it all – the bitterness was unpalatable. Aphromoo spent the entirety of his victory grace period over-stepping in his attempts to burn his former teammate.

The unprompted comments were a scything personal attack –  Doublelift was highlighted as the sole cause for CLG’s losses in previous splits, labelled as a negative influence on the team and slammed for holding back a number of promising players from CLG’s past.

Dedicating the win to Link, Seraph and Dexter was all a little too much… and that’s before claiming that Doublelift’s replacement Trevor “Stixxay” Hayes had already surpassed the NA LCS veteran’s abilities:

“At the beginning of the season, I said Stixxay would be better than Doublelift by the end of the year,

“And just so happens, it happened halfway through the year.”

Zaqueri “Aphromoo” Black

Source: Lolesports
Source: Lolesports

TSM’s Summer Split victory gave Doublelift, the undisputed king of trash talking, the opportunity to show Aphromoo how it’s supposed to be done:

“It’s so funny that now that we won, CLG goes to Worlds. So it’s like two years in a row, CLG relies on me to carry them to Worlds.

“It’s ridiculous!”

Yiliang “Doublelift” Peng

Good, healthy, all-American smack talking. Not directed at any one individual, no scrutiny of a player’s personality, the potentially offended party aren’t within earshot off-stage after a crushing loss and most importantly… it’s a joke.

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