Jason Day’s perfect day includes Silverchair and Vegemite

Ever wondered what Jason Day’s ideal day looks like?

You have to call a spade a spade with this one. CNN Living Golf’s Shane O’Donoghue spoke with Jason Day about his “perfect day” (get it!?) surely as a vehicle for inserting Zurich (one of Day’s sponsors) ads into the article.

Regardless, we’re going to try to make lemonade here. Here are a few morsels from the piece.

Fun Fact: Jason Day listens to house music when he works out.

Perhaps more interestingly, though, Day says he’s been listening to several Australian bands from his youth: Superjesus. Powderfinger. Silverchair as of late.

F’yeah, Silverchair! Anybody?

If the Aussie bands didn’t give J-Day away as a proud Beaudesert native, consider his breakfast choice.

“Two eggs, a cup of egg whites, and a piece of toast buttered with Vegemite on it…Maybe one or two bits of bacon and a green tea.”

Vegemite! Of course! The repulsive earthen paste they only eat Down Under. It’s like a salty potting oil spread that goes on everything (or so they tell me).

And of course, in response to the question “How would you end your perfect day?” Day said that getting to work on child number three with wife Ellie was his favorite evening activity.

Kidding. He actually said eating her lasagna (metaphor?) and then spending time with his kids is the ideal evening activity.

“Ellie’s lasagne is off the charts and if we ever started a restaurant I think that would be one of the signature dishes.”

Such a dad move, but can you blame him?

A photo posted by Ellie Day (@elliedaybdf) on

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